A couple of folks I know are working with a group focusing on early 17th century central/Eastern European portrayals. They passed word and introduced me to a couple of their fellows who were interested in getting some hangers/pieces made. One project that I took on was for a saber hanger. Instead of the sliding buckles I'm used to on the belt (which allow the wearer to adjust as they feel comfortable), the saber's downward straps are fixed. Luckily the customer who wanted the piece was extremely good with communication and a pleasure to work with. He provided all the measurements needed, and I was able to put something together.
Instead of a pad hook like the 16th C hangers I'm used to, the two downward straps are attached to the belt through loops. I decided to create a piece based on a period example I purchased from Talbot's Fine Accessories. What I ended up with is this:

Here's the whole thing:

For some reason the picture isn't working well, but in normal gravity things look and hang very nicely. This one is out the door and I'm looking forward to some cool new projects!
Looks great Chris. The belt loops turned out great.