Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Roundhose: The Wearing

Saturday night of the event is when they finally were done. I ran into timing issues the week of with various work and health related delays. The waistband was done by machine due to time constraints and a muscular issue in my left shoulder that was causing my left hand to go numb while doing manual dexterity tasks. So Saturday I added buttons (which I cast), cut some button holes, and did some handsewn eyelets for tie points.

The pants ended up being just a bit too big, so I'll have to adjust that. I decided to go all out, and wore my braies (medieval underwear) and chauses (long stocking type things pointed to the braies) under them as my knit stockings weren't long enough to close the gap between pants and legs. With the roundhose pointed to the doublet and over the chauses everything felt good and moved really well. I was able to do all my normal tasks, chasing after my kids, fencing, cooking, etc with out issue.

So without further delay pictures! Graciously provided by Elizabeth Dawson.

I can haz pants.


  1. You look glorious!

  2. Thanks so much! I know its not German, but I try. :)

    Next up on the clothing project list is an arming/fencing doublet.

  3. They look really good! I couldn't tell at all that they were ill fitting or machine sewn.... granted I was not that close to your pants this weekend....
